Threadless piercing - how it works?


Joyas de oro auténtico
Joyas de oro auténtico
Esta gama especial de joyas está realizada íntegramente en oro. Nuestra gama incluye oro de 14 quilates y 18 quilates, que es el oro de quilates más puro adecuado para su uso en joyería piercing.
Adecuado Para Piercings Curados.
Adecuado Para Piercings Curados.
Este tipo de piercing se adapta mejor a los piercings curados.
Material De Perforación Hipoalergénico & Biocompatible
Material De Perforación Hipoalergénico & Biocompatible
Un material biocompatible es más natural y fácilmente aceptado por su cuerpo. Las propiedades hipoalergénicas son adecuadas para personas con sensibilidad en la piel.
Material De Perforación Resistente A La Corrosión
Material De Perforación Resistente A La Corrosión
Este material de perforación no reacciona fácilmente con el oxígeno o los fluidos corporales, por lo que sus joyas se mantendrán brillantes y frescas durante más tiempo, además de saludables para su perforación.


Enhance your piercing jewellery aesthetic with the timeless classic, Blue Banana Natural Diamond 18K Gold 2.5mm Threadless Top. This beautiful jewellery features a gold material paired with a natural diamond. Threadless labrets can be worn in a range of piercings including ear cartilage.

This beautiful gold piercing jewellery is made from real 18k gold which is best suited to healed piercings. The durable and hypoallergenic qualities make this a great option for people with other metal sensitivities and can be worn every day.

Threadless jewellery is designed to use a pressure fit to keep it secure – perfect for extended wear. The smooth bar allows this jewellery to easily pass through your piercing hole without causing irritation. Whether you are wearing the natural diamond 18k gold threadless top in your own ear piercing constellation or are giving it as a gift, it gives a stunning aesthetic to your piercing.


Threadless piercing jewellery is not measured in the same way as other types of piercing jewellery.

It is designed to fit into a threadless bar by bending the threadless top to a slight angle. This creates a pressure fit that keeps your jewellery secure and in place.

Threadless tops can be used with any threadless bar. Start by gently bending the pin of the threadless top. It is always better to need to bend it a little more to fit than to bend it back as this can weaken the pin and cause it to break. Patience and small adjustments are the keys to getting the perfect pressure fit from your threadless jewellery.


Top sin hilos de oro de 14 quilates con 3 corazones | Joyería piercing
Blue Banana Parte superior sin hilos de oro de 14 quilates con 3 corazones (dorado)
Flor de 8 circonitas cúbicas Top sin rosca de oro de 14 quilates | Joyería piercing
Blue Banana Flor de 8 circonitas cúbicas, parte superior sin rosca de oro de 14 quilates (dorado)


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