If you're tired of your existing hair dye colour or want to simply return to your natural shade, then the Crazy Color Back To Base Colour Remover is here to help! Easily remove hair dye from your hair in 30 minutes or less.
This hair dye remover comes in a small 45g sachet and includes all the helpful information you'll need to get started on removing hair dye from hair. This powder needs to be mixed with developer so it can quickly work its magic, returning your hair back to its natural shade. Suited for a variety of hair dye, this dye remover could be your new best friend if you happen to have had a colour mishap or dyeing disaster. Consult an expert at your local salon if you need extra assistance when it comes to properly using this hair colouring product.
Get back to your base with ease with the Crazy Color Hair Dye Remover! We think you'll be delighted with the results.
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